Show: The Proximity Process

Letting Go: Comforts or Constraints?

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned over the past few years is that the practice of letting go is critical to my process. I’ve see how letting go has helped me and many others I’ve had the opportunity to work with. In this episode I talk about letting go as the practice of creating space for our future to emerge. And one of the key elements of this practice is discerning between things that we think are comforts but are actually constraints. This is a practice of letting go what feels like security but is actually holding us back from the future we really want to create.

The journal prompt is, what parts of my life have I come to see as comforts, but are actually constraints? Another way to reflect on this is, what I do I believe is giving me security but is actually holding me back? Lastly, what can I let go so that I am free to create my future?

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