Show: The Proximity Process

My Journal: Work Life Balance Myth

We are at the beginning of 2024 and many of us are thinking about resolutions, intentions, and goals. In this episode I talk about the early days of 2023 and how I set intention to handle some of the challenges and uncertainties of leaving my job. A conversation with a friend prompted an intention that shaped 2023. The intention is to be whole in who I am in all aspects of my life. My intention for 2024 is to build on 2023 and remain free to be me. At the end of the episode, I share four journal prompt questions that you may find valuable as you set intentions for 2024.

1.  Who was I in January of 2023?

2. What is one area of interest for 2024?

3. Who will I be?

4. What will I give up?

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