Show: The Children’s Law Podcast

Placement Considerations for Children’s Attorneys

Placement decisions happen fast and are made by the agency – usually without any input from attorneys representing children. The child’s placement impacts the case A LOT so we wanted to do a podcast about the things we think about when it comes to placement.

It’s the agency’s job to find a placement right away, but evaluating whether the placement will ultimately facilitate permanency for the child is yours. If reunification seems likely, should the kids be with a couple that wants to adopt? If TPR looks probable, do you let a baby stay in a placement that separates her from her 11 year old sister?

Getting the home study and critically reviewing it can help identify omissions that will help keep the child safe or, alternatively, possibilities for placement that shouldn’t be ruled out.

Talking to the child – both at the placement and away from the home – is always important. Listen and trust your instincts.

Children’s attorneys don’t always have a lot of options when it comes to impacting the child’s placement. However, since the placement impacts your overall legal strategy it can’t be considered in a vacuum. We hope our discussion gives you some ideas for your jurisdiction!

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