Show: Self-Taught: Former Foster Youth on Sex, Health, and Life

What Are Foster Youth’s Rights To Healthcare?

Did you know that there is a Foster Youth Bill of Rights?. These rights ensure that foster youth have the opportunity to get the healthcare they need and deserve— including sexual & reproductive services.Tamar and Alexis of RHEP’s Youth Advisory Board sit down with Rebecca Gudeman, a lawyer and the Senior Director of Health at National Center for Youth Law (NCYL), to highlight many of these rights for youth in California and to talk about what often gets in the way of youth in care being able to fully benefit from them. Bottom line: you have the right to make decisions about your own body.

Host Bio: Tamar (she/her) former foster youth, RHEP Youth Advisory Board member

Guest Bio: Alexis (she/her) former foster youth, RHEP Youth Advisory Board member; Rebecca Gudeman (she/her), Senior Director of Health, National Center for Youth Law

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