Community In-Site is a podcast about the growing movement for family well-being. Hosts Tecoria Jones and Elliot Hinkle bring their lived expertise with the child welfare system as well as their professional insights to each episode. They’ll be talking to leaders, advocates, and community members who are working from the grassroots to the grasstops on strategies to invest in the well-being of families and communities and prevent child welfare involvement.
The show will feature stories and lessons from community sites (featuring Thriving Families, Safer Children sites) that make the family well-being movement real and personal. Each episode will unpack a specific topic (e.g. racial equity or community partnerships) and what can be learned from the challenges and successes. The hosts hope to leave listeners with something they can take into their own work to help grow the movement in their community. For more information about the family well-being movement and Thriving Families, Safer Children initiative you can visit
ELDERS | Episode 1 Uncle John
This is the story of John Spence, a Gros Ventre/Sioux elder who uses equine therapy to heal Native youth. Made in collaboration with The Imprint, Uncle John is part of the multimedia project Healing the Children of Horse Nations and was co-produced by Nancy Marie Spears.
On this week’s podcast we discuss the lawsuit filed by an Oregon woman who wants to adopt and says the state is infringing on her religious freedom; higher education for incarcerated youth; and a new benefits tracker for people leaving Los Angeles foster care.
Jessica Pac of the University of Wisconsin’s Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work and Sophie Collyer of the Center on Poverty and Social Policy at Columbia University join to discuss their simulation of what different anti-poverty measures would do to child protection services activity in America.
Guest Interview Details
Jessica Pac is an assistant professor of social work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work. Sophie Collyer is a policy student who has a dual degree in social work and public administration from Columbia University and a Master’s of Science from Johns Hopkins School of Education. She is the research director of Columbia’s Center on Poverty and Social Policy.
Reading Room
Family First Clearinghouse Approves New Programs Hoping to Adopt Foster Children Sues Oregon Over LGBTQ Expectations Expands College Education for Youth in Juvenile Detention Centers Angeles County Looks to Digital Tools to Assist Young Adults Leaving Foster Care Men Enter Pleas in Death of Lakeside Academy Student Effects of Child Poverty Reductions on Child Protective Services Involvement Antipoverty Effects of the Expanded Child Tax Credit across States: Where Were the Historic Reductions Felt?
The Fall of Child Poverty, and Home Visiting’s Looming Fiscal Cliff
On this week’s podcast we discuss a major drop in the use of powerful psych meds on California foster youth, and discuss how child welfare metrics behaved during the prolonged decline in child poverty that was recently analyzed by Child Trends.
Guest Interview Details
Jenny Harper joins to talk about the looming federal cliff facing a program aimed at supporting new and expectant mothers, and what advocates are hoping will happen in the near future.
“Only Together Do We Survive”: Andrea Elliott, Author of Invisible Child
On this week’s podcast we discuss more troubling indicators on the workforce crisis in child welfare and juvenile justice, and a new bill introduced in Congress that would bring federal scrutiny around the use of automated decision making tools in America.
Guest Interview Details
New York Times reporter Andrea Elliott joins to discuss her new book “Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival & Hope in an American City,” which chronicles Dasani Coates and her family in New York City. Elliott talks about her thoughts on how the social safety net, and the city’s child welfare system, did (or did not) help the family.
Due Process, Disparity, ASFA and More with Kathleen Creamer
On this week’s podcast, we discuss the ongoing capacity crisis in Texas foster care, jarring numbers on community college enrollment, and new federal funds to seed innovation in supporting kinship caregivers.
Guest Interview Details
Kathleen Creamer of Community Legal Services of Philadelphia joins to discuss two recent court cases of note in the state, Philly’s high rate of foster care, the Adoption and Safe Families Act and more.
Reading Room
Outside Experts Give Texas Roadmap to Decrease Sky-high Rates of Foster Kids Sleeping in Offices, Hotels Hall Study Finds Lack of Support for Foster Youth in Community College Questions, 2022 Edition Court Reminds Us of the Obvious: Probable Cause Counts in Child Welfare Cases, Too Supreme Court Issues Landmark Ruling in Child Welfare Case’s 400 Pounds. Pennsylvania Says That’s Good Enough Reason to Deny Custody of His Children event! Tough Conversations on Understanding Addictive Behaviors
Thursday, January 27, 10am PST.
A New Law to Support Mothers-to-Be in Prison
On this week’s episode, we discuss the slow-developing effort to connect current and former foster youth with federal pandemic assistance, and a new bill that would extend the deadline for it. Also: the Family First Act clearinghouse reconsiders some programs; federal judges toss three child welfare lawsuits; Supreme Court asked to decide the fate of the Indian Child Welfare Act; and Maryland commission recommends an end to automatic transfers from the juvenile justice system.
Guest Interview Details
Rae Baker of the Minnesota Prison Doula Project joins to discuss her organization’s efforts to help expecting moms in prison as they prepare for birth, and a precedent-setting state law the project successfully pushed for that will offer a chance for these moms to stay with their newborns outside of the prison walls.
Changing the Narrative on Fighting Poverty with Michael Tubbs
On this week’s podcast we discuss a new proposal to boost funding for preventing and investigating child maltreatment, a controversial proposal to permit Medicaid in foster care institutions, and movements on legal counsel in Minnesota and Texas.
Guest Interview Details
Michael Tubbs, former mayor of Stockton and new senior fellow at the Rosenberg Foundation, joins us to discuss universal basic income, how being mayor shaped his views on child welfare and juvenile justice, shifting the narrative on fighting poverty, and more.
On this week’s episode of The Imprint Weekly Podcast we discuss new proposals for abolishing “family policing” and creating a community-led parallel system for family support; lowered expectations on L.A. juvenile justice reform; and a surprising outcome among states that have raised the age since 2007. Jen Burdick of Community Legal Services of Philadelphia joins to talk about her organization’s massive push to help clients file tax returns this year to prevent them from missing out on major new family supports that some believe could halve child poverty in America.
Guest Interview Details
Jen Burdick of Community Legal Services of Philadelphia joins to talk about her organization’s massive push to help clients file tax returns this year to prevent them from missing out on major new family supports that some believe could halve child poverty in America.
In Pursuit of Non-reformist Reforms with David Kelly
On this week’s podcast, we discuss the decline in reunifications during the early pandemic, a potential legal counsel law in Congress, a new national campaign to connect current and former foster youth with pandemic assistance, and juvenile justice reforms in Michigan and New York.
Guest Interview Details
David Kelly, a former official in the Children’s Bureau during the Obama and Trump administrations, joins to talk about his federal career and what he sees on the horizon for child welfare.
Reading Room
Families in Limbo: Coronavirus Hobbles Reunifications from Foster Care Analysis: COVID Prolonged Foster Care Stays for Thousands Bill May Require Legal Counsel for Parents, Children in Child Welfare Cases Guidance on Foster Youth Pandemic Relief: A Breakdown“Check for Us” National Campaign
www.checkforus.orgA Teenager Didn’t Do Her Online Schoolwork. So a Judge Sent Her to Juvenile Detention. Grace’s Story, Michigan Will Study Its Juvenile Justice System
Attorney David Kelly Leaves the Children’s Bureau
“A Tsunami Is Headed Your Way.” The Pandemic, One Year Later
On this week’s podcast, we break down the major child and family provisions in the $1.9 trillion stimulus package signed by President Biden last week, including a major guaranteed income program for parents.
Guest Interview Details
Dave Newell, CEO of the Children’s Home Society of Washington, joins us to discuss a year of pandemic for an organization with services ranging from Head Start and home visiting to foster care.
On this week’s podcast we discuss the immediate fallout from The Imprint’s investigation into California’s use of out-of-state youth facilities, the rise in child welfare cases in Los Angeles during the pandemic, rapid testing regulations getting lifted and a big result for the workforce development program Year Up.
Guest Interview Details
We’re joined by Nora McCarthy and Jeanette Vega of Rise, a New York City organization dedicated to supporting parents involved in child welfare cases, about the organization’s first 15 years in the world.
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